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Qiaopi 侨批

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在近代历史的很长一段时间里,潮州地区多达一半的人口依赖海外家庭成员的汇款。潮州书信为隔海相望的亲人提供了重要的情感纽带,成为整个潮州社区的经济命脉。单独地,每封信都记录了一个家庭的回忆。数以万计的潮州书信共同代表了一个民族的集体意识和珍贵的文献档案。 这种独特的汇款和通信组合被称为潮州信(普通话中的“侨批”)。 来源:
For a long period in recent history, as many as half of the population in the Teochew region was dependent on the remittances from their overseas-based family members. The Teochew Letters provided a vital emotional link for love ones separated by the sea and served as an economic lifeline for the whole Teochew community. Individually, each letter records the memories of a family. Collectively, the tens of thousands of Teochew Letters represent the collective consciousness of a people and a precious documentary archive.This unique combination of remittance and correspondence is known as the Teochew Letters ("Qiaopi" in Mandarin). reference:

I compile my family's Qiaopi, which are correspondences from the mid-twentieth century, examining landscape seal on the Qiaopi's cover within this specific network of letters as an emotional bridge between pioneer and homeland‘s family. All these letters came from my grandfather‘s father.

Photographs 照片

click on files and appreciate the details of my family photos


All people in photos are parents, brothers and relatives of my grandfather and grandmother.

I have gathered a photograph of my female ancestor who plays both a female identity and a male role on same negative using a double exposure method. I intend to investigate cultural identity, female identity, and history through the visual language of family photographs. Under this project, the medium of my visual practice will include pictures, installations, texts, and publications.